The Ultimate Pad Settings

So, let's say you bought one of those small black boxes, (from a now defunct company) ,with all those red and yellow lights; you know, the box where those incessant lights keep blinking and turning on and off as if to say," You are involved in making some type of wacky voodoo magic... ".
I am always asked , "How did you get your snare pad to respond like a real drum ?". Well, after a good amount of testing on this little 64k box, along with it's big brother with those mickey mouse ears, (which also contains a punky 64k chip), I have come up with the definitive and absolutely best set of numbers that can make these annoying electronic interfaces respond to all of the nuances a Dauz pad can produce.
First, just like on an acoustic set, make sure you're on a flat solid surface and all your hardware is tight. Then set your note numbers to the general midi standard (included below ) and do your trigger training (will be explained in a future article ). Now we're ready!

General Midi numbers for drum set:

Snare - D2
Bass - C1
High tom - C2
Mid. tom - A2
Low tom - F2
High hat - F#2
Ride Cym. - D#3
Crash Cym. - C#3
Crash Cym. - A3

Kat Midi Kiti settings :

Dauz Pads - 11" - 8" - 6"
Midi Kiti
Kit user - user-user
midi chan. user- user-user
midi note user- user-user
min. velocity 0 - 0 - 0
max. velocity 16 - 16 - 16
velocity curve 8 - 8 - 8
gate 0 - 0 - 0
pgm. change user - user -user
gain 13 - 4 - 11
peak view wacky lights only
threshold 5 - 2 - 2
mask time 3 - 3 - 4
min. dynamic 0 - 0 - 0
max. dynamic 16 - 16 - 16
head room 3 - 0 - 0
scan time 3 - 3 - 0
interaction 2 - 5 - 2 varies

DrumKat settings :

Dauz Pads - 11" - 8" - 6"
gain H5 - H3 - H3
hdroom 01 - 01 - 01
thrsh 08 - 08 - 08
maskTime 15ms-15ms-15ms
low dynamic 08 - 08 - 08
high dynamic 255 - 255 - 255
vel. curve 08 - 08 - 08